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One Day National Level Workshop
WrapPLS – A Statistical Tool for Analysis
Management, Commerce, Economics
and Social Science Researchers
07.04.2017-Organised by
MADURAI -625 021.
WarpPLS 5.0:
WarpPLS is powerful Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Software.
Warp PLS is easy to use with step by step interface guide. It has got the
provision for correcting sampling errors and standardising the data. It
has got easily comprehensive graphical outputs for structural equation
modelling. Warp PLS implements classic (composite-based) as well as
factor-based PLS algorithms. It identifies nonlinear relationships, and
estimates path coefficients accordingly. It also models linear
relationships, using classic and factor-based PLS algorithms, reflective
and formative variables, as well as moderating effects. Warp PLS
calculates P values, model fit and quality indices, and full collinearity
coefficients. It calculates effect sizes and Q-squared predictive validity
coefficients. It also calculates indirect effects for paths with 2, 3 etc.
Segments, as well as total effects and calculates several causality
assessment coefficients. It provides a number of graphs, including
zoomed 2D graphs, and 3D graphs.
There are two main advantages of using Warp PLS to conduct a
multiple regression analysis. The advantages are over a traditional
multiple regression analysis, where the independent and dependent
variables are measured through single indicators. With Warp PLS, this
would be implemented through the creation of "latent" variables that
would each be associated with a single indicator, which means that
they would not be true latent variables in the sense normally assumed
in structural equation modelling.
The first advantage is that the calculation of P values with WarpPLS is
based on a nonparametric algorithm, re-sampling, and thus does not
require that the variables be normally distributed. A traditional
multiple regression analysis, on the other hand, requires that the
variables be normally distributed. In this sense, WarpPLS can be seen
as conducting a robust, or nonparametric, multiple regression analysis.
This first advantage assumes that all one is doing is a plain linear
analysis with WarpPLS, for which one would use the algorithms PLS
Regression or Robust Path Analysis. The second advantage is that Warp
PLS allows for nonlinear relationships between the independent and
dependent variables to be analyzed. This provides a much richer view of
the associations between variables, and sometimes leads to path
coefficients that are different from (often higher than) those obtained
through a linear analysis (as in a traditional multiple regression analysis).
The nonlinear analysis algorithms available are Warp3 PLS Regression
(which yields S curves) and Warp2PLS Regression (which yields U
Use of WarpPLS:
Warp PLS substitutes multiple regression analysis and ANOVA. It
measures the relationship between elements and constructs, latent
variables etc. It can be used to measure the level of influence of
independent variables on the dependent variables, and the significance
of independent variables. The percentages of dependent variables are
also explained by the independent variables collectively. This may not
be useful for substituting analysis like t-test, chi-square test etc.
Dr. Joseph Mathews Cherukara, B. Sc., MBA, M. Phil, Ph. D.
He has long experience in teaching
management students and has been
Adjunct Faculty for Business Management,
Marketing Management, International
Business, Entrepreneurship Development,
etc. in different business schools and
entrepreneurship development programmes. He also teaches research
methodology and a specialist in WarpPLS software for data analysis.
He is approved by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India as
Faculty for Faculty Development Program in EDP. He has got 40+
years of entrepreneurial experience in different industries. He has
long experience as management consultant and was an approved
consultant by K-BIP, Industries Department, Government of Kerala for
management and cluster development. He is Graduate in Science, Post
Graduate in Management, and M. Phil in Entrepreneurship (MKU)
and Ph. D. (CUSAT) in the topic ‘Factors Leading to Entrepreneurial
Success—Study based on MSMEs of Kerala’. He has published several
papers in management and entrepreneurship, through various
national and international conferences, and listed journals. The paper
titled ‘Medical Tourism in Kerala: Challenges and Scope’ has wide
references from around the world and 15 citations as per
scholar.google. He is a popular author in global scientific author’s
societies such as Academia.edu (US) as well as Research Gate
(Germany) and was listed by Academia.edu among top 1% global
authors for 30 days in Jan-Feb 2017.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Management Studies,
Directorate of Distance Education,
Madurai Kamaraj University,
Palkalai Nagar, Madurai - 625 021
Mail Your Confirmation to : drrmmkudde@gmail.com
Contact if any : 9944949430
Corporate Delegates : Rs.1000/-
Faculty Members : Rs.750/-
Research Scholars and Students : Rs.500/-
? Fee includes Workshop Kit, Lunch and High-Tea.
? Strictly Last date for Registration: March’29, 2017.
? All should bring their laptop for practice.
More Information Please Click here
Source:Information(s) Provided By
Assistant Professor,
Department of Management Studies,
Directorate of Distance Education,
Madurai Kamaraj University,
Palkalai Nagar, Madurai - 625 021
Mail Your Confirmation to : drrmmkudde@gmail.com
Contact Mobile No : 9944949430
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