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IGNIZ ’17-Jansons Institute of Technology Coimbatore-21.03.2017-EEE.
1. Name of The Event : National Technical Symposium (IGNIZ ’17)
2.College Name: Jansons Institute of Technology Coimbatore
3.Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
4.Symposium Details :(List of Symposium Events, Papers Topics, etc.,):
1. Paper Presentation
2. Project Expo
3. Circuit Debugging
4. Quiz war
5. Technical Connection
6. Management and Fun Events
5. Date of Event: 21.03.2017
6.Important Dates: Submission deadline: 18.03.2017
7.Contact Details (Cell Phone No, Event E-Mail id):
igniz2k17eee@gmail.com, 9787440242, 9585124507
8.Event Web Address: www.igniz2k17eee.wixsite.com/home
9.Registration Fees: Rs.150 (IEEE Members) and Rs.100 (Non
More Information Please Click here
Source:Information(s) Provided By
Dr.S. Elangovan M.E., Ph.D.,SMIEEE, LMISTE,FISRD
HOD | Dept. of EEE | IEEE Student Branch Counselor
Jansons Institute of Technology | Coimbatore- 641659.
Chair | Student Project Funding | IEEE Madras Section(2016)
Chair | IEEE Young Professional Affinity Group | IEEE Madras Section(from 2014)
Member | Student Activities Committee | IEEE Madras Section(from 2014)
Member | Executive Committee | IEEE Madras Section(from 2014)
Contact: +91-9629905591 | (0421) 2264900 Extn.:741
Email : elangoprt@gmail.com, hodeee@jit.ac.in
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