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CSIR Sponsored One Day Hands on Training on “Machine Learning”-The Kavery
Engineering College,Dept.of CSE, M.Kalipatti, Mecheri, Mettur, Salem – 636 453, Tamil
Nadu-11 th March,2017
1. Name of the Workshop Program: CSIR Sponsored One Day Hands on Training on
“Machine Learning”
2. Objective of the Event: Machine Learning is an Artificial Intelligence Discipline
geared towards the technological development of Human Knowledge
3. College Details (Name of the College, Address, Dept, etc.,) The Kavery
Engineering College,Dept.of CSE, M.Kalipatti, Mecheri, Mettur, Salem – 636 453, Tamil
4. Call for Papers (Paper Submission Email id, Paper Themes, etc): Mail Id:
5. Important Dates: 11 th March,2017
6. Who Can attend? (UG/PG/Research Scholars) Faculty & Research
scholars,UG&PG students.
7. Event Registration Details.(Payment Details) Last Date for recipient of
Intimation of selection:03.02.17,
Confirmation by
Fees: Faculty & Research Scholars:Rs.500, UG&PG
8. Address for communication :
Mr.S.Vijay Anand,HOD/CSE,Convener,The Kavery
Engineering college,M.Kalipatti,Mecheri,Mettur,Salem-636453
Source:Information(s) Provided By HOD CSE
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