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IMPULSE2K’17-Chennai Institute Of Technology-EEE-07.02.2017.

IMPULSE2K’17-Chennai Institute Of Technology-EEE-07.02.2017.

1. Name of The Event : IMPULSE2K’17

2. College Name: Chennai Institute Of Technology

3. Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering

4. Symposium Details

Technical Events

1. Paper Presentation ( Recent advances in Electrical and Electronics fields)

2. Circuit Designing

3. Circuit Debugging

4. Technical Quiz

5. Project Display

Non-Technical Events

1. Surprise Events

2. Human Ludo

3. Jam

4. Gaming

5. Mad ads

Online Events

(Post to Facebook Page: impulse2k17cit)

1. Photo mania

2. Meme creation

5. Date of Event: 07.02.2017

6.Important Dates: 03.02.17 (Last date for paper submission)

7.Contact Details

Cell Phone No: 9994117022, 9884094995

E-Mail id: impulse@citchennai.net

8.Registration Fees: Free Of Cost

Source:Information(s) Provided By Ranjani Ram

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