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RendeZvouS 2k17-Loyola institute of technology and science, Thovalai,Kanyakumari-EEE-17-02-2017.

RendeZvouS 2k17-Loyola institute of technology and science, Thovalai,Kanyakumari-EEE-17-02-2017.

1. Name of The Event : RendeZvouS 2k17

2.College Name: Loyola institute of technology and science, Thovalai, Kanyakumari . 3.Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering

4.Symposium Details :(List of Symposium Events, Papers Topics, etc.,):


1) Reign of techs (paper presentation)

2) Brain Busters (technical quiz)

3) Circuitrix (circuit debugging)

4) Best Manager

5) E-art (junk art)

Paper presenta on topics:

1 Electrical machines and industrial drives

2 Power system

3 Power Electronics

4 Smart grid

5 Smart city and Internet Of Things (IOT)

6 Industrial automa on and control

7 Energy management and SCADA Robotics

9 Instrumentation and automation

10 Embedded systems

11 High voltage engineering

12 Power quality, HVDC and FACTS

13 Renewable energy sources

5.Date of Event: 17-02-2017

6.Important Dates:

Last date for submission of abstract : 4-02-2017

Intimation date : 6-02-2017

7.Contact Details (Cell Phone No, Event E-Mail id):

Co ordinator: 9944494462, 7305347251.

Event mail id : rendezvous2k17@gmail.com

8.Registration Fees: Rs .150 per head

More Information Please Click here

Source:Information(s) Provided By NAVANEETH THANGAM

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