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Second International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (ICMME-2017)-Department of Mechanical Engineering, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram-631-April 06-07,2017.

Second International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (ICMME-2017)-Department of Mechanical Engineering, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram-631-April 06-07,2017.

1. Name of the Conference: Second International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (ICMME-2017)

2. Objective of the Event

The conference aimed at providing a common platform to researchers, industry personnel, academicians, students and participating professionals to interact and discuss about the advances made in the various areas of Mechanical Engineering. The conference will focus on today's technical challenges, research updates and breakthrough innovations that are shaping the future of Mechanical Engineering. The Conference convenes engineers, scientists and technologists for the purposes of exploring solutions to global challenges and for the advancement of Mechanical Engineering worldwide.

3. College Details (Name of the College, Address, Dept, etc.,)


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Enathur, Kanchipuram – 631561

Tamilnadu, India.

Thermal Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Fluid engineering systems Safety Reliability & Risk Management
Heat transfer CAD/CAM/CIM
Automotive Technology Mechatronics & MEMS
Sustainable Energy Tribology
Machine Design & Dynamics Composite Materials
Vibration & Control Advanced Manufacturing
Nano Technology Green Manufacturing
Industrial Engineering Product Development & Strategies
Robotics Rapid Prototype,I. C. Engines

Author’s Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit full papers for consideration. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication in any other journals/proceedings while being evaluated for this conference

Authors are requested to submit the papers only through the Easy Chair

Paper has to prepared as per the template

Do not make any changes to the structure of the template as this can lead to production errors.

Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable (this is strictly enforced by Publisher via CrossCheck).

All submitted conference papers will be blind peer reviewed by two reviewers.

All papers have to be presented by at least one of the authors at the conference.

The post conference proceedings will be published in “APPLIED MECHANICS AND MATERIALS”.

The certificate of presentation will be distributed to the conference participants at the conference registration desk.

Awards will be given for the best technical paper in each session.

All the accepted papers (student without journal publication registration) will be published in the conference Souvenir, a copy of which will be given to Each participant.

Important Dates

Submission of Full Paper : 31 January 2017

Intimation about acceptance : 01 March 2017

Submission of Camera ready Paper : 15 March 2017

Last date for Registration : 20 March 2017

6. Who Can attend? (UG/PG/Research Scholars)

? Academicians

? Research Scholars (Full Time & Part Time)

? Industrial Participants

? Scientists

? Students

7. Event Registration Details.(Payment Details)

For Indian Delegates:

Industrial Participants : Rs 8000/-

Academician/Scientists : Rs 7000/-

Full time Research Scholars : Rs 6000/-

Students without Journal Publication : Rs 2500/-

For Foreign Delegates:

Industrial Participants : USD 400

Academician/Scientists : USD 350

Full time Research Scholars : USD 300

Students without Journal Publication : USD 200

8. Address for communication

Organizing secretary


Associate Professor,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram-631 561, INDIA.

Mobile:8428684608 & 9994346132

Email: icmme2017@gmail.com

More Information Please Click here

Source:Information(s) Provided By Prof.D.Kumar Principal Arjun College of Technology Coimbatore-642120

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