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Workshop on Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Techniques-Park College of Technology,Coimbatore-January 24th , 2017.

Workshop on Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Techniques-Park College of Technology,Coimbatore-January 24th , 2017.


?Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage.?

Who can attend the Workshop?

Diploma Students UG Students

Workshop Includes:

Theoretical Session on following topics:

?1. Engineering Materials

2. Materials Testing

3. NDT Techniques:

Penetrant Testing

Ultrasonic Testing

Magnetic Particle

Radiographic Testing

Radiographic Film Interpretation

Ultrasonic Thikness Gauging

Duration:4.00 Hours

Practical Session on following NDT Methods:

1. Radiographic Testing

2. Radiographic Film Interpretation

3. Ultrasonic Thikness Gauging

4. Penetrant Testing

. Important Dates

Last date for online registration 22.01.2017.

Spot registration also available.

Event website: http://ndtws17.weebly.com/

6. Who Can attend? (UG/PG/Research Scholars)

Diploma and U.G. Students

7. Event Registration Details. (Payment Details)

Registration Fee: 300/-

On spot payment (online registration must)

8. Address for communication

Park College of Technology,

Prema Ravi Nagar,


Coimbatore 641659.

More Information Please Click here

Source:Information(s) Provided By V.Saravana Kumar M.E. ASNT Level II Workshop Organizer, Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Park College of Tecnology.

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