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6 th National Conference On Emerging Trends in Computer Communication and Informatics “ETCCI 17”-Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore-ECE-24.03.2017.
6 th National Conference On Emerging Trends in Computer Communication and Informatics “ETCCI 17”-Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore-ECE-24.03.2017.
1. Name of the Conference/Workshop/Training Program: 6 th National Conference
On Emerging Trends in Computer Communication and Informatics “ETCCI 17”
2. Objective of the Event:
Provides a common platform for researchers,
academicians and future engineers to present and discuss their innovative ideas.
3. College Details (Name of the College, Address, Dept, etc.,)
Tamilnadu College of Engineering, ESTD- 1984
Karumathampatti, Coimbatore – 641659,
Phone : 0421 – 3204244, 3200244, 2332588
4. Call for Papers (Paper Submission Email id, Paper Themes, etc.,)
Prospective authors are requested to submit their original unpublished research
work to the organizing secretary. The paper should be in MS word not exceeding 6
pages of text using IEEE double column format. The paper should be mailed to the
following e-mail address-“etcci17@gmail.com”
5. Important Dates
15.03.2017-Submission of full papers
17.03.2017-Notification of acceptance of full papers
6. Who Can attend? (UG/PG/Research Scholars)
UG& PG Students and Faculty Members of EEE / CSE / MECH / AUTO/ EIE / ICE / ECE
departments, research scholars and industrialists from different parts of the country
are eligible to participate in the conference.
7. Event Registration Details.(Payment Details)
For participants from Industries /R&D
Institutions Rs.900
For Faculty Members& Research Scholars Rs.850
UG & PG Students (Two authors per paper) Rs.800
8. Address for communication
The Convener, “ETCCI 17”
Department of ECE,
Tamilnadu College of Engineering,
Karumathampatti, Coimbatore – 641659,
Email: etcci17@gmail.com
Phone : 0421 – 3204244, 3200244, 2332588
Mobile & Whats app: 9791861698, 9786773776
More Information Please Click here
Source:Information(s) Provided By Dr.S.Latha Shanmugavadivu,
Professor and Head of the Department,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Tamilnadu College of Engineering
Coimbatore - 641 659 India
Mobile: 91 9843520777
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