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National Conference on Electrical Civil Mechanical Communication Systems NCECMCS-2017-Dr NAGARATHINAM'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,Namakkal - 637505-24 th February 2017.

National Conference on Electrical Civil Mechanical Communication Systems NCECMCS-2017-Dr NAGARATHINAM'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,Namakkal - 637505-24 th February 2017.

1. Name of the Conference/Workshop/Training Program: National Conference on Electrical Civil Mechanical Communication Systems NCECMCS-2017

2. Objective of the Event National Conference

3. College Details (Name of the College, Address, Dept, etc.,)


(Approved by the AlCTE & Affiliated to Anna University)

Ananthagoundampalayam (vil), Minakkal Post,

Mallur-Vennandur Main Road(Via), Rasipuram

Namakkal - 637505

Ph: +91-427 2467048.+91-98427 10000


3. Call for Papers (Paper Submission Email id, Paper Themes, etc.,)

Control Theory and the Application

Bio Medical Instrumentation

Electrical Machines & Speed Control

Web designing & Networking

Embedded Systems

VSLI Design

Networks Security

Mobile Computing

Thermal Engineering

Aircraft, Watercraft, Robotics

Building Construction

Surveying etc…

5. Conference/Workshop /Training Program Date:

24 th February 2017

6. Important Dates

Submission of full paper : 20-02- 2017

(soft copy & Hard copy)

Intimation of Acceptance

Through E-mail : 21-02- 2017

Last date for Registration : 22-02- 2017

7. Who Can attend? (UG/PG/Research Scholars)

UG/PG/Research Scholars

8. Event Registration Details.(Payment Details)

Delegates from industry / R&D organizations: Rs. 600/.

Faculty Members : Rs. 400/.

Students / Research Scholars : Rs. 200/.

9. Address for communication

Organizing secretaries may be contacted through

Mr.A.Satheeshkumar+91-94445 67248

Source:Information(s) Provided By A.SATHEESHKUMAR

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