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National Conference on Recent Advances in Biomedical Signal, Image, and Video Processing (RABSIVP-2K17) -Aditya Institute of Technology and Management (Autonomous),Srikakulam- Sponsored by C.S.I.R., New Delhi-24th & 25th February, 2017

National Conference on Recent Advances in Biomedical Signal, Image, and Video Processing (RABSIVP-2K17) -Aditya Institute of Technology and Management (Autonomous),Srikakulam- Sponsored by C.S.I.R., New Delhi-24th & 25th February, 2017

About the Conference

The objective of the Conference is to provide an opportunity for disseminating the information on the applications and recent trends in Biomedical Signal, Image and Video Processing. The scope of the conference is to provide a link between researchers, educational institutes and Industries with Key-note speeches, paper presentations and panel discussions. Each session will focus on specific emerging topic with special address by the experts from research organizations and primer institutions. Call for Papers

Topics of interest include but not limited to the following areas:

Biomedical Image and Signal processing

Signal and Image processing

Computer Vision

Biomedical Electronics



3-D and Surface Reconstruction


Bio-Micro Technologies


Submission Details:

The Original unpublished research papers and articles on the topic related to the theme are invited for paper presentation. Full paper must be submitted in IEEE format and not to exceed 6 pages. The selected papers on the basis of technical quality and originality will be published in the Conference proceedings. Send your papers to rabsivp2k17@gmail.com or http://www.adityatekkali.edu.in/rabsivp2k17 for online registration.


Participation / Co-authors : INR 400.00

PG Students / Research Scholars : INR 500.00

Academicians : INR 750.00

Industry/Research Organizations : INR 1000.00

Venue of the conference: 'A' Block seminar hall, Dept. of ECE.,

Aditya Institute of Technology and Management (Autonomous), K.Kotturu (Vi), Tekkali - 532201. Andhra Pradesh.

Contact Person : BHASKAR S.

Aditya Institute of Technology and Management (Autonomous). PH: 99630 28921.

More Information Please Click here

Source:Information(s) Provided By BHASKAR S.

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