Apogee 2k17-scsvmv university,Kanchipuram-ECE-2.2.17 & 3.2.17.
Apogee 2k17-scsvmv university,Kanchipuram-ECE-2.2.17 & 3.2.17.
1. Name of The Event: apogee 2k17
2.College Name: scsvmv university
3.Department: ECE
4.Symposium Details :(List of Symposium Events, Papers Topics, etc.,):
Papers Topics:
Automotive Electronics
Mobile & Cellular Communications
Wireless Sensor Networks
Real Time Embedded System
VLSI Technology
Satellite Communcation
GSM & CDMA Technology
Computer based communication
Signal Processing in Communication
Microwave and Antennas
Cloud computing & Grid computing
Computer Networks
High Performance Computing
Information Theory and Coding
Electronics and Instrumentation
Power Electronics &Energy Efficient Drives
Renewable Energy & Smart Grid Technology
Transmission & Distribution Systems
Vedic Science and Mathematics
Symposium Events:
Mock interview
Treasure Hunt
5.Date of Event: 2.2.17 & 3.2.17
6.Important Dates: LAST DATE: 30.01.2017
7.Contact Details (Cell Phone No, Event E-Mail id): apogee2k17@gmail.com,9952857739
8.Registration Fees: Technical Events: Rs.200 Non-Technical Events: Rs.100
Source:Information(s) Provided By Apogee 2k17 Team.
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