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International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Science and Applications:PIONEER COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE (Affiliated to Bharathiar University),Coimbatore-641 047-DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND DEPARMENT OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS- 6th Jan. 2017.

International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Science and Applications:PIONEER COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE (Affiliated to Bharathiar University),Coimbatore-641 047-DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND DEPARMENT OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS- 6th Jan. 2017.

1. Name of the Conference/Workshop/Training Program: International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Science and Applications

2. Objective of the Event: To provide wide knowledge about latest trends in computer science

3. College Details (Name of the College, Address, Dept, etc.,) :PIONEER COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE (Affiliated to Bharathiar University), P.B.No 7204,Jothipuram,Coimbatore-641 047.DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND DEPARMENT OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS.

4. Call for Papers (Paper Submission Email id, Paper Themes, etc.,): icitcsa@gmail.com,In all aspects of applied computer science and computer applications.It should follow IEEE format with maximum of 6 pages.

5. Important Dates: Submission of full paper: 20 th December 2016,

Notification of acceptance: 23th December 2016

Camera ready paper: 26th December 2016

6. Who can attend? (UG/PG/Research Scholars): Industrialists, Faculty Members, Research scholars, Students (UG &PG)

7. Event Registration Details. (Payment Details): Industrialists-Rs.1000

Faculty Members Research scholars-Rs 750

Students (UG &PG)-Rs.500.

8. Address for communication:

PIONEER COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE (Affiliated to Bharathiar University), P.B.No 7204, Jothipuram,

Coimbatore-641 047.For Enquiry please contact:9659276855/8667711038

Source:Information(s) Provided By International Conference team.

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