TEQIP Sponsored Six Day Short Term Hands-On Training Programme on Cloud Computing Technologies-Department of Information Technology-THIAGARAJAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,Madurai-THIAGARAJAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING-Nov 29-Dec 04,2016.
TEQIP Sponsored Six Day Short Term Hands-On Training Programme on Cloud Computing Technologies-Department of Information Technology-THIAGARAJAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,Madurai-THIAGARAJAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING-Nov 29-Dec 04,2016.
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1. Name of the Workshop/Training Program:
TEQIP Sponsored Six Day Short Term Hands-On Training Programme on Cloud Computing
2. Objective of the Event
Cloud Computing Technologies Short Term Hands-On Training Programme will make participants
adept at various cloud computing architectures. Live hands-on will help participants keep up with Cloud
technologies, tools and methodologies required to understand and work on cloud computing principles
used in the IT industry. The objective of this workshop is to give a practical exposure in the domain of
Cloud to the research community.
3. College Details (Name of the College, Address, Dept, etc.,)
Department of Information Technology
(A Govt. Aided Autonomous Institution affiliated to Anna University)
Madurai - 625 015, Tamil Nadu
4. Topics Covered
The major topics planned to be covered are:
Virtualization & Cloud Computing - Introduction
Virtualization - VmWare, KVM & Oracle Virtual Box
Installation & Configuration in Hadoop - Mapreduce
Pseudo Distributed Mode
Fully Distributed Mode
Problem Solving in Hadoop, Cloud Sim, OpenMP
Cloud setup - Eucalyptus, Open Stack
NoSQL - MangoDB + Programming
Hadoop Ecosystem Tools - Pig, Hive, HBase
Research Issues in
IoT & Data Analytics
Cloud Computing
Cloud Security
Research Paper Writing
5. Important Dates
Last date for application (by E-mail & Post) and Demand draft (by post only) : 21.11.2016
Selection of intimation to participants
(through E-Mail only) : 23.11.2016
Kindly also register in Google Forms :https://goo.gl/forms/mpumkMTD81i6L0LI3
6. Who Can attend? (UG/PG/Research Scholars)
Faculty members of engineering colleges.
Students and Research scholars from any disciplines of Engineering and Computer Applications.
7. Event Registration Details.(Payment Details)
Faculty members - Rs.3000/-
Students & Research Scholars (FT) - Rs.2000/-
Registration fee includes course kit, refreshment and working lunch. The selection of the candidates
will made as first come first serve basis.
Applications duly filled in the prescribed format should reach the Coordinator on or before 21 st
November, 2016 along with a demand draft drawn in favour of "THE PRINCIPAL, THIAGARAJAR
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING" payable at Madurai, towards the registration fee. Registration form
can also be downloaded from the website www.tce.edu. The selected participants will be intimated
through E-Mail.
8. Address for communication
Mr. M. Thangavel
Department of Information Technology
(A Govt. Aided Autonomous Institution affiliated to Anna University)
Madurai - 625 015, Tamil Nadu
Phone: +91-452- 2482240, 41 Extn : 612 / 633
Mobile: +91 9629837226, +91 9488075169
E-Mail: tcemduit@gmail.com, mtit@tce.edu
More Information Please Click here
Source:Information(s) Provided By M.THANGAVEL B.E.(CSE),M.E.(CSE),(Ph.D),
Academic Advocate - ISACA, &
Assistant Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
Thiagarajar College of Engineering,
Madurai - 625015.
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