3rd National Conference on Recent Trends in Ubiquitous Computing &Communication Technology (RTUCCT-2016)-Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
Sathyamangalam- 638 401, Tamil Nadu-9th & 10th December 2016.
3rd National Conference on Recent Trends in Ubiquitous Computing &Communication Technology (RTUCCT-2016)-Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
Sathyamangalam- 638 401, Tamil Nadu-9th & 10th December 2016.
1. Name of the Conference/Workshop/Training Program:
3rd National Conference on Recent Trends in Ubiquitous Computing &Communication Technology (RTUCCT-2016)
2. Objective of the Event
The aim of this Conference is to provide an opportunity for bringing together
various experts, researchers and persons from industry to discuss state-of- the-art in Recent Trends in Information and Ubiquitous Computing
Communication Technology.
3. College Details (Name of the College, Address, Dept, etc.,)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering.,
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
Sathyamangalam- 638 401, Tamil Nadu.
4. Call for Papers (Paper Submission Email id, Paper Themes, etc.,)
Papers Not Limited to
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Optimization Techniques
Data Mining and Data Warehousing
Networks security and Ubiquitous Computing
Protocol Standards
Communication Architectures
Mobile Computing and Embedded Systems
Image Processing
Nano Technology
Grid Computing
Cloud Computing
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Pervasive Computing
Sensor Networks and Applications
Big data analytics
Internet of Things
Email id rtucct@gmail.com
5. Important Dates
Receipt of contributed papers : 04.11.2016
Intimation of accepted papers : 12.11.2016
Receipt of camera ready copy with Registration fee : 19.11.2016
6. Who can attend? (UG/PG/Research Scholars)
Experts from industry, researchers, faculty and students.
7. Event Registration Details. (Payment Details)
The Registration fee is to be paid by Demand Draft in favor of The Principal, BIT
payable at Sathyamangalam.
Industry participant :Rs 1000/- Faculty from College/University :Rs 750/- Research Scholars & Students :Rs 600/- More details: www.bitsathy.ac.in/rtucct
8. Address for communication
Dr P Thangaraj
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology,
Sathyamangalam - 638 401
98427 20572
More Information Please Click here
Source:Information(s) Provided By Dr P Thangaraj
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology,
Sathyamangalam - 638 401
98427 20572
Note: When submitting your papers to Event Convenors type email subject name as technicalsymposium.com /Your Paper title.
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