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Praestantia 14-a National Level Technical Symposium Conducted by Electronics and Communication Engineeriing on August 7th, 2014 in Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, Tambaram, Chennnai - 44

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Praestantia 14-a National Level Technical Symposium Conducted by Electronics and Communication Engineeriing in Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, Tambaram, Chennnai - 44

Date of Function: on August 7th, 2014

1. Name of the Event --- Praestantia 14

2.College Name- Sri Sairam Institute of Technology

3.Department - Electronics and Communication Engineering

4.Event Description -- It is a National Level Technical Symposium Conducted by Electronics and Communication Engineeriing on August 7th, 2014 in Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, Tambaram, Chennnai - 44 Total of Five Events

1.Papero Prezento (Paper Presentation)

2. Technico Kviz (Technical Quiz)

3. Bot Raze (Bot Race)

4. Sircute Debogage( Circuit Debugging)

5. Technico Konexions (Connections)

Paper Presentation Rules

Paper Submission:

• Participants should submit their full paper for scrutiny, abstracts will not be entertained.

• Deadline for submission is 26/7/2014.

• The document format has to be in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Portable Document Format (.pdf) only.

•The subject of the mail should be the title of your paper and your praestantia ID,The title of the submitted file must be a shortened version of their paper title. (eg: Suppose my paper title is Effective “Design of Powered Exoskeleton”, then the name of my file will be “exoskeleton_design.doc”)

• Participants are requested to submit their papers in IEEE format only.

• Papers with improper formatting will be sent back to the participants and they are encouraged to submit it again after re-formatting.

• Kindly keep the font color of your paper as black (excluding figures, charts, tables).

• Kindly provide your names, email addresses and contact numbers in the paper that you submit.

Presentation details:

• The presentation time will be 7 minutes + 3 minutes for questions and answers as per discretion of the judges.

• Exceeding the time limit will invoke negative points.

• Please bring your presentation in the form of .ppt. Any other form of the file will not be entertained, please bring the file in a Compact Disk (avoid Pen Drive).

• The participants can include any type of media (pictures, videos) in their presentation, provided they do not show any controversial content.

• All participants are strongly requested to be present at the venue 15 minutes prior to the start of the presentation.

• Decision of judges will be final and binding on all participants. Any discussions regarding evaluation process at any stage shall not be entertained. Selected participants for the final round are requested to prepare their presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint format (.ppt) .

Eligibility Criteria

• Participants with a valid identity card or a Bonafide Certificate from their institute are eligible to participate in Papero Prezento..

General Rules

Maximum of two members allowed per team.

Online Registration is mandatory.

Any number of teams from a college can submit their papers.

Participants are not allowed to submit more than one paper.

Participants are required to send a soft copy of their entire paper, in the IEEE format.

The paper length should not exceed 6 pages, of the format specified.

Participants whose papers are shortlisted shall be informed personally through mail on01/8/2014. The names will be put up on the website as well.

Participation certificate will be given to all the shortlisted Candidates


The topics for the presentation include:


2.Industrial Automation

3.Internet of Things

4.Green Electronics

5.Tech Togs

6.Digital Image Processing


8.Wireless Networks

9.Medical Electronics

10.Nano Electronics

5. Date of Event -- August 7th 2014

6. Important Dates -- Last Date for Paper Presentation is July 26th 2014

7.contact details ---

Arun Keerthi -- 7373082121

Arshad -- 9786045959

Siddharth -- 9884490236


More Information Please Click here

Source:Information(s) Provided By praestantia 14
technical symposium

Note: When submitting your papers to Event Convenors type email subject name as technicalsymposium.com /Your Paper title.

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