Itgiltz14-Cape Institute Of Technology- Information Technology (IT)
Date of Function: 14-03-2014.
1.Name of The Event: 6th National Level Technical Symposium
2.College Name: Cape Institute Of Technology
3.Department: Information Technology (IT)
4.Event Details:
1)paper peresentation
domain:Network,cloud computing,green computing,image processing,Neural
networks,Artificial intelligence,any other innovation
2)Project Presentation
-Maximum of 2 members per team.
-Paper should strictly be in IEEE format.
-Bring 2 hardcopies and 1 soft copy.
-Papers can also be sent to the mail id:
-Intimation will be informed through the mail id provided by
the contestants.
-5 minutes presentation, 2 minutes queries.
EVENT: TECHNOVISION (Project Presentation)
-Maximum of 2 members per team.
-Bring 2 hardcopies and 1 soft copy.
-Papers can also be sent to the mail id:
-Intimation will be informed through the mail id provided by
the contestants.
-5 minutes presentation, 2 minutes queries.
-Project must be demonstrated clearly.
-participant should be bring with your own materials
-Individual participation.
-Single round selection.
-The questions will be based on C, C++ and JAVA.
-A team shall consist of maximum 2 people.
-Prelims will be conducted at first.
-Top 10 scorers will be chosen for onstage Quiz round.
-4 rounds will be conducted.
-7 teams will be selected in the end of round 1.
-4 teams will be selectedin the end of round 2.
-2 teams will be selected in the end of round 3.
-Final round decides the winners of Quiz.
- The decision of the judges is final.
5.Date of Event: 14-03-2014
6.Important Dates: last date for submission 08-03-2014, intimation
date 11-03-2014
7.Contact Details: 8903489173 , 9150522955
9.Registration Fees: No Registration fee
More Information Please Click here
Source:Information(s) Provided By AUSTIN VINOTH techsymposium member.
Note: When submitting your papers to Event Convenors type email subject name as /Your Paper title.
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