Prayatna'14-Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai.-Computer Technology
Date of Function: March 15 & 16 2014
1.Name of the Event: Prayatna'14
2.College Name: Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai.
3.Department: Computer Technology
4.Event Details:
Prayatna 14 - Imagination Tends to Infinity
Prayatna, the annual inter college tech fest of the Department of Computer Technology, MIT , Anna University, is a conglomeration of the brightest minds in both the computer and creative domains. Prayatna '14, hosted on March 15th and 16th this year, brings a multitude of events that test participants' technical, creative and entrepreneurship skills, hands-on sessions and workshops on the most happening topics of the day, guest lectures from people in the industry and amazing opportunities including cash prizes and internships.
1. "Photoshop to the Core" ( March 1st ) - Hands-on Photoshop Workshop conducted by MADRASTERS, the only active ADOBE authorized group in India.
2. Android Development ( March 16th ) - Hands-on workshop conducted by Google Developers Group ( GDG ), Chennai
3. Game Development using HTML5 and CSS3 ( March 15th ) - Hands-on workshop conducted by Google Developers Group ( GDG ) , Chennai
1. Xecute - Online Programming Contest
2. Euler's Quest - Math Event
3. Treasure Hunt
4. Crack The Codex - Cryptography
5. Bread Butter Brain - Logical Thinking and Riddles
6. FotoFrenzy - Photography
1. Onsite Programming Contest
3. Select * - DBMS event
4. Shell Shocked - OS event
5. Markup Mania - Web Designing event
6. Paper Presentation
7. Poster Presentation
8. Back Track - Reverse Coding event
9. Bug Smash - Debugging event
10. Geek Cipher - Cryptography event
11. Dr. Java - Java event
12. Tech Conundra - All Round Technical event
1. GAMING - ( NFS, Counter Strike, FIFA)
2. Euclid's Desk - Math event
3. TechiePreneur - B-Plan event
4. BizQuiz - General Business Quiz
5. FotoBuzz - Photoshop event
6. Battle of the Labrynth - Treasure Hunt
7. I'm Feeling Lucky - General event
8. How Stuff Works
5.Date of Event: March 15 & 16 2014
6.Important Dates : Photoshop Workshop: March 1st
Android Google Developers Workshop: March 16th
7.Contact Details: Team Prayatna'14:
8.Registration Fee: Rs.100
More Information Please Click here
Source:Information(s) Provided By Prayatna 14
Note: When submitting your papers to Event Convenors type email subject name as /Your Paper title.
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