Aveshaa'14-Anna University-BIT campus, Tiruchirappalli-24.-3. Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Date of Function:March 18 & 19,2014.
1. Name of The Event: Aveshaa'14
2. College Name: Anna University-BIT campus, Tiruchirappalli-24.
3. Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
4. Event Details:(About your Event Description,Scope, Objective, Papers Topics): Paper
Presentation, Poster Presentation, Circuit debugging, Technical quiz, General quiz, Treasure
Hunt, Best manager, Gaming & Interesting spot events.
Topics for paper & project presentation:
Embedded systems, Power electronics, Control systems, Renewable energy and Other
innovative topics.
5. Date of Event: March 18 & 19.
6. Important Dates: Last date for submit abstract through online March 13 & Intimation March 15.
7. Contact Details: email id: aveshaa2k14@gmail.com
The convener,
Ph: 9865360834
8. Registration Fees: For events Rs.100/ per head. For paper and project presentation Rs.100/ per
More Information Please Click here
Source:Information(s) Provided By aveshaa 2k14
Note: When submitting your papers to Event Convenors type email subject name as technicalsymposium.com /Your Paper title.
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