International Conference on Advances in
Manufacturing and Materials Engineering 2014-
Surathkal, P.O. Srinivasnagar 575 025,
Mangalore, Karnataka State, INDIA
Date of Function: 27-29 March 2014
Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Physics and Chemistry, Computational Materials Science, Su per Plasticity,
Materials Processes and Applications for Sustainable Development, Alloy
Development, High-Performance Composites, Green Composites, New
Engineering Ceramics, High-Strength Polymers, Advanced Steel and Super alloys,
Coatings and Surface Engineering, Nano Structured Materials and Technology,
Glassy Metals, Smart/Intelligent Materials, Intelligent Systems/Structures,
Bioengineered Materials, Tool Materials, Functional materials, Automation in
Metallurgical Processes, Heat Treatment, Advanced Material Characterization,
Mechanical Behavior Failure Mechanics, Hot Corrosion, Oxidation, Wear,
Erosion, Fatigue and Creep Behaviors of Advanced Materials.
Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Metal Casting and other Solidification Processes, Powder Metallurgy, Welding and
joining processes, Machining, Materials Forming, Nano Manufacturing, High Energy
Processing Technology, Precision Manufacturing and Assembly, Environmentally
Sustainable Manufacturing Processes and Systems, Modeling, Analysis and
Simulation of Manufacturing Processes, Computer-Aided Design Manufacturing
and Engineering, Process Planning and Scheduling, Concurrent Engineering,
Cellular Manufacturing, Lean and Agile Manufacturing, Digital Manufacturing,
Rapid Manufacturing [Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Nontraditional
Manufacturing, Tool Design and Condition Monitoring, Inspection Technology,
Metrology and Measurement, Manufacturing Quality Control Systems,
Mechatronics, Industrial Robotics, Automation Engineering Processes, Machine
Vision, Virtual Instrumentation in Automation, Operations and Production
Management, Engineering Optimization, Numerical Techniques.
The ICAM ME-20l4 is a premier forum for the presentation of research results,
development activities and applications in the dynamic and exciting areas of
Manufacturing and Materials Engineering. Original papers on the above themes are
invited from all the Professionals, Researchers and Academicians.
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More Information Please Click here
Source:Information(s) Provided By A.Muralidhar
Ph.D Research Scholar,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal,
Srinivasanagar (P.O), Mangalore-575025.
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