Q15. What is the difference b/w mallac() n calloc() ?
Q16. What is virtual function and virtual de constructor?
Q17. What is the Locale class?
Q18. What is the size of a keyword in java?
Q19. Write a program to show quick sort?
Q20. What do you understand by implicit casting?
Q21. How to find a data in binary tree?
Q22. Explain the lifecycle of ASP.NET?
Q23. What is the difference between On- delete- cascade and On- update- cascade option?
Q24. What does CLR mean?
Q25. What are the four operator used to combine different conditions like where clause?
Q26. What is the purpose of On- update- no- action?
Q27. How SQL is related to ORACLE?
Q28. What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE?
Q29. What are the different programs of ORACLE?
Q30. Write a query to perform joins?
Q31. What are the steps involved in configuring SQL server?
Q32. What is an array?
Q33. What is a Linked list?
Q34. What are the differences between frame works?
Q35. When and why do we need copy constructor?
Source: Contents are provided by Technicalsymposium Google Group Members. Disclaimer: All the above contents are provided by technicalsymposium.com Google Group members. Further, this content is not intended to be used for commercial purpose. Technicalsymposium.com is not liable/responsible for any copyright issues.
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