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Download Free Placement Materials with Answers

Free Placement Papers PDF

Q2. What are the different types of classes?

Q3. What is private, public, protected? Explain.

Q4. What is its function?

Q5. What are the features of java?

Q6. What is platform independent?

Q7. What are the types of variables?

Q8. What is the difference between C++ and Java?

Q9. What is SQL?

ANS: Structure Query Language.

Q10. What is RDBMS?

Q11. For what does RDBMS is related?

Q12. What are the types of join?

Q13. What is meant by main()?

Q14. What is meant by NULL POINTER?

Q15. What is the difference b/w mallac() n calloc() ?

Q16. What is virtual function and virtual de constructor?

Q17. What is the Locale class?

Q18. What is the size of a keyword in java?

Q19. Write a program to show quick sort?

Q20. What do you understand by implicit casting?

Q21. How to find a data in binary tree?

Q22. Explain the lifecycle of ASP.NET?

Q23. What is the difference between On- delete- cascade and On- update- cascade option?

Q24. What does CLR mean?

Q25. What are the four operator used to combine different conditions like where clause?

Q26. What is the purpose of On- update- no- action?

Q27. How SQL is related to ORACLE?

Q28. What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE?

Q29. What are the different programs of ORACLE?

Q30. Write a query to perform joins?

Q31. What are the steps involved in configuring SQL server?

Q32. What is an array?

Q33. What is a Linked list?

Q34. What are the differences between frame works?

Q35. When and why do we need copy constructor?

Source: Contents are provided by Technicalsymposium Google Group Members.
Disclaimer: All the above contents are provided by Google Group members.
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