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6. Read the passage and answer that follow on the basis of instruction provided in the passage Passage 1 In country X, democratic, conservative and justice parties have fought three civil wars in twenty years. TO restore stability an agreement is reached to rotate the top offices President, Prime Minister and Army Chief among the parties so that each party controls one and only one office at all times. The three top office holders must each have two deputies, one from each of the other parties. Each deputy must choose a staff composed of equally members of his or her chiefs party and member of the third party. When Justice party holds one of the top offices, which of the following cannot be true

A.Some of the staff members within that office are

B.Some of the staff members within that office are

C.Two of the deputies within the other offices are

D.Two of the deputies within the other offices are

Answer: A

7. When the democratic party holds presidency, the staff of the prime minister’s deputies are composed

I. One-fourth of democratic party members

II. One-half of justice party members and one-fourth of conservative party members

III. One-half of conservative party members and one-fourth of justice party members.

A.I only B.I and II only C.II or III but not both D.I and II or I and III

Answer: A

8. Which of the following is allowable under the rules as stated:

A.More than half of the staff within a given office

B.Half of the staff within a given office belonging

C.Any person having a member of the same party as

D.Half the total number of staff members in all

Answer: A

9. The office of the Army Chief passes from Conservative to Justice party. Which of the following must be fired.

A.The Democratic deputy and all staff members

B.Justice party deputy and all his or hers staff

C.Justice party deputy and half of his Conservative

D.The Conservative deputy and all of his or her

Answer: A

10. Complete the sentence with suitable word . Fate smiles …… those who untiringly grapple with stark realities of life

A.with B.over C.on D.round

Answer: C 11. The miser gazed …… at the pile of gold coins in front of him.

A.avidly B.Admiringly C.thoughtfully D.Earnestly

Answer: A

12. Catching the earlier train will give us the …… to do some shopping.

A.chance B.luck C.possibility D.occasion

Answer: A

13. I saw a …… of cows in the field. B.herd C.swarm D.flock

Answer: B

14. The grapes are now …… enough to be picked.

A.ready B.mature C.ripe D.advanced

Answer: C

15. Success in this examination depends …… hard work alone. B.over C.for D.on

Answer: D

16. In the following choose the word which express the opposite meaning of the same word ENORMOUS

A.Soft B.Average C.Tiny D.Weak

Answer: C


A.Started B.Closed C.Finished D.Terminated

Answer: D


A.Influx B.Home-coming C.Return D.Restoration

Answer: A 19. RELINQUISH

A.Abdicate B.Renounce C.Posses D.Deny

Answer: C


A.Contract B.Condense C.Congest D.Conclude

Answer: B

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