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28. Damping Force produced by

a) air frictions

b) Eddy Current

c) Fluid Friction

d) All of the above.-Answer

29. Which one of the following is high pressure boiler?

a) Lamount Boiler

b) Benson boiler

c) a & b are correct .-Answer

d) None of the above

30. For charging battery the following method is used

a) Variable Current System

b) Constant Current System

c) Constant Voltage System

d) b & c are correct.-Answer

31. Ohm's Law does not apply to

a) Linear Devices

b) nonlinear devices.-Answer

c) Series circuit

d) None of the above

32. Susceptibility is defined as the ratio of

a) intensity of magnetisation \ magnetising force.-Answer

b) magnetising force \ intensity of magnetisation

c) material \ Vacuum

d) None of the above

33 Varistor is a

a) Linear resistor

b) NonLinear resistor.-Answer

c) Capacitor

d) None of the above

34. Battery ratings are in

a) KW

b) KVA

c) AH .-Answer

d) None

35. which one of the following is idempotent law

a) A . A = A

b) A + A = A

c) a & b are correct .-Answer

d) None of the above

36. SMD* is a

a) Transistor

b) Resistor

c) Hard disk drives .-Answer

d) None of the above

37. Which one of the following material is used for Violet LED?

*SMD (Storage Modul e Devi ce)

a) Indium Gallium Nitride .-Answer

b) Boron Nitride

c) Aluminium Nitride

d) Zinc Soloride

38. Capacitor can be used as a

a) Temporary Battery .-Answer

b) Primary Battery

c) Secondary Battery

d) None of the above

39. Match the following List I with List II List I List II

1. Chemical effect a. Leadacid

2. Trickle Charging b. alkaline manganese

3. Primary Battery c. Keep it fully Charged

4. Secondary Battery d. d.c. amperehour meters

a) 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a .-Answer

b) 1c, 2d, 3b, 4a

c) 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d

d) 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c

40. Reciprocal of powerfactor is

a) Apparent Power

b) Active Power

c) Q Factor of a coil.-Answer

d) None of the above

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