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DataStructure-Program to multiply two polynomials maintained as linked lists.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> /* structure representing a node of a linked list. The node can store a term of a polynomial */ struct polynode { float coeff ; int exp ; struct polynode *link ; } ; void poly_append ( struct polynode **, float, int ) ; void display_poly ( struct polynode * ) ; void poly_multiply ( struct polynode *, struct polynode *, struct polynode ** ) ; void padd ( float, int, struct polynode ** ) ; void main( ) { struct polynode *first, *second, *mult ; int i = 1 ; first = second = mult = NULL ; /* empty linked lists */ poly_append ( &first, 3, 5 ) ; poly_append ( &first, 2, 4 ) ; poly_append ( &first, 1, 2 ) ; clrscr( ) ; display_poly ( first ) ; poly_append ( &second, 1, 6 ) ; poly_append ( &second, 2, 5 ) ; poly_append ( &second, 3, 4 ) ; printf ( "\n\n" ) ; display_poly ( second ) ; printf ( "\n" ); while ( i++< 79 ) printf ( "-" ) ; poly_multiply ( first, second, &mult ) ; printf ( "\n\n" ) ; display_poly ( mult ) ; } /* adds a term to a polynomial */ void poly_append ( struct polynode **q, float x, int y ) { struct polynode *temp ; temp = *q ; /* create a new node if the list is empty */ if ( *q == NULL ) { *q = malloc ( sizeof ( struct polynode ) ) ; temp = *q ; } else { /* traverse the entire linked list */ while ( temp -> link != NULL ) temp = temp -> link ; /* create new nodes at intermediate stages */ temp -> link = malloc ( sizeof ( struct polynode ) ) ; temp = temp -> link ; } /* assign coefficient and exponent */ temp -> coeff = x ; temp -> exp = y ; temp -> link = NULL ; } /* displays the contents of linked list representing a polynomial */ void display_poly ( struct polynode *q ) { /* traverse till the end of the linked list */ while ( q != NULL ) { printf ( "%.1f x^%d : ", q -> coeff, q -> exp ) ; q = q -> link ; } printf ( "\b\b\b " ) ; /* erases the last colon(:) */ } /* multiplies the two polynomials */ void poly_multiply ( struct polynode *x, struct polynode *y, struct polynode **m ) { struct polynode *y1 ; float coeff1, exp1 ; y1 = y ; /* point to the starting of the second linked list */ if ( x == NULL && y == NULL ) return ; /* if one of the list is empty */ if ( x == NULL ) *m = y ; else { if ( y == NULL ) *m = x ; else /* if both linked lists exist */ { /* for each term of the first list */ while ( x != NULL ) { /* multiply each term of the second linked list with a term of the first linked list */ while ( y != NULL ) { coeff1 = x -> coeff * y -> coeff ; exp1 = x -> exp + y -> exp ; y = y -> link ; /* add the new term to the resultant polynomial */ padd ( coeff1, exp1, m ) ; } y = y1 ; /* reposition the pointer to the starting of the second linked list */ x = x -> link ; /* go to the next node */ } } } } /* adds a term to the polynomial in the descending order of the exponent */ void padd ( float c, int e, struct polynode **s ) { struct polynode *r, *temp = *s ; /* if list is empty or if the node is to be inserted before the first node */ if ( *s == NULL || e > ( *s ) -> exp ) { *s = r = malloc ( sizeof ( struct polynode ) ) ; ( *s ) -> coeff = c ; ( *s ) -> exp = e ; ( *s ) -> link = temp ; } else { /* traverse the entire linked list to search the position to insert a new node */ while ( temp != NULL ) { if ( temp -> exp == e ) { temp -> coeff += c ; return ; } if ( temp -> exp > e && ( temp -> link -> exp< e || temp -> link == NULL ) ) { r = malloc ( sizeof ( struct polynode ) ) ; r -> coeff = c; r -> exp = e ; r -> link = temp -> link ; temp -> link = r ; return ; } temp = temp -> link ; /* go to next node */ } r -> link = NULL ; temp -> link = r ; } }
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