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DataStructure-Program to implement a circular queue as a linked list.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <alloc.h>
/* structure containing a data part and link part */
struct node
int data ;
struct node * link ;
} ;
void addcirq ( struct node **, struct node **, int ) ;
int delcirq ( struct node **, struct node ** ) ;
void cirq_display ( struct node * ) ;
void main( )
struct node *front, *rear ;
front = rear = NULL ;
addcirq ( &front, &rear, 10 ) ;
addcirq ( &front, &rear, 17 ) ;
addcirq ( &front, &rear, 18 ) ;
addcirq ( &front, &rear, 5 ) ;
addcirq ( &front, &rear, 30 ) ;
addcirq ( &front, &rear, 15 ) ;
clrscr( ) ;
printf ( "Before deletion:\n" ) ;
cirq_display ( front ) ;
delcirq ( &front, &rear ) ;
delcirq ( &front, &rear ) ;
delcirq ( &front, &rear ) ;
printf ( "\n\nAfter deletion:\n" ) ;
cirq_display ( front ) ;
/* adds a new element at the end of queue */
void addcirq ( struct node **f, struct node **r, int item )
struct node *q ;
/* create new node */
q = malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;
q -> data = item ;
/* if the queue is empty */
if ( *f == NULL )
*f = q ;
( *r ) -> link = q ;
*r = q ;
( *r ) -> link = *f ;
/* removes an element from front of queue */
int delcirq ( struct node **f, struct node **r )
struct node *q ;
int item ;
/* if queue is empty */
if ( *f == NULL )
printf ( "queue is empty" ) ;
if ( *f == *r )
item = ( *f ) -> data ;
free ( *f ) ;
*f = NULL ;
*r = NULL ;
/* delete the node */
q = *f ;
item = q -> data ;
*f = ( *f ) -> link ;
( *r ) -> link = *f ;
free ( q ) ;
return ( item ) ;
return NULL ;
/* displays whole of the queue */
void cirq_display ( struct node *f )
struct node *q = f, *p = NULL ;
/* traverse the entire linked list */
while ( q != p )
printf ( "%d\t", q -> data ) ;
q = q -> link ;
p = f ;

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Data Structure