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The IT boom and the growing pressure on Indian cities


- The rapid transformation, from diminutive areas to global metropolis is not easy for those who don’t have a feeling for these changes let alone to be a part of it.

- The essential commodities have had a sharp rise in its price, which is growing pressure on the people of the middle class and lower class.

- The land rates have rocketed sky high, and it is almost impossible for a person working in the government sector to buy a house of his choice.

- People are migrating to the IT cities like Bangalore, populating it and making it worse for living.

- Technological process has led to the exhaustion of our resources as the ability of the technology to adapt to hostile conditions if putting a severe effect on our environment.

- The IT cities are not able to meet the infrastructural demand of the rising population.

- Migration of people from rural to urban areas puts our agriculture and villages on the back foot making it difficult to feed the ever growing population.

- Transport and environment pollution are the major problems resulting from population concentration


- Booming of IT industries has boosted the food production many a miles and there is a substantial increase towards personal fulfillment.

- Technology being a valuable asset has been recognized all over the world and this enhances the status of many Indians as there is huge demand for IT pros all over the world.

- IT people going all over the world have boosted Indian economy to a great extent.

- Lots of job opportunities have showed up in the field of IT, which is a good sign for the ever growing population of India.

- Indians employed in IT industry abroad are a major source of foreign income

Source: Contents are provided by Technicalsymposium Google Group Members. Disclaimer: All the above contents are provided by Google Group members. Further, this content is not intended to be used for commercial purpose. is not liable/responsible for any copyright issues.

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