In an arranged marriage, first few years of the marriage are spent in knowing and understanding the person. There is a sense and demand of spending more time with each other.
In a love marriage, before the marriage, the couple shares a very different level of understanding. This understanding when tied to social obligations expected once married, are difficult to obey.
It is easy to adjust with the partner in an arranged marriage as compared to love marriage. This is because in a love marriage things may often be taken for granted.
Since the partners have never met before, in an arranged marriage, they care more about each others needs.
Arranged marriages help resolves domestic issues faster. There is a sense of fear of loosing the partner.
For some unforeseen reason, the marriage does not work; there are many people who will support more.
In most cases, love marriages force the couple to stay away from family. This leaves them with no choice but to tackle their own problems.
In todays busy lives no one has the time to understand each other after marriage.
Arranged marriage, most of the times works on compromises. In a love marriage they were in love even before the marriage and hence compromises are less.
In an arranged marriage, social obligations can get frustrating at times.
Love married couples learn how to become independent since most of the times they are separated and hence are able to tackle their problems.
A comfort level has already been developed between the couple.
Expectations from parents are less since most of the times decision of marrying is usually initiated by the couple.
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