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Increasing no. of Engineering Colleges is a boon to the society


- Yes, increasing number of Engineering Colleges is a boon to the society as they provide a platform for the intellectual people of the country.

- As there is an increase in the number of Engineering Colleges students can get various options to pursue their desired area.

- Engineering college increases the efficiency of the students by honing their skills which is better for their personality development.

- They make more people employable.


- Increase in number of Engineering Colleges does not guarantee the quality of engineers India requires today.

- The number of Engineering Colleges is increasing but the number of job vacancies has decreased proportionately creating a dearth of jobs.

- India’s literacy rate is decreasing and people need more primary education as they cannot afford the luxuries of the engineering college, imparting primary education would mean more educated people.

- Rather than focussing on the number of Engineering, the target should be the qulity of education imparted, trainer to student ratio.

- Focussing on increasing number of engineering colleges means not training the people in other fields.

Source: Contents are provided by Technicalsymposium Google Group Members. Disclaimer: All the above contents are provided by Google Group members. Further, this content is not intended to be used for commercial purpose. is not liable/responsible for any copyright issues.

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