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Texting affects the vocabulary negatively


- People like to text in short terms and our brain gets accustomed to picturing words in the short term, which affects our vocabulary.

- It will hinder children’s abilities to apply grammar in their writing and social skills.

- Students have an adverse affect on their schoolwork due to this short texting messages.

- It depletes the standard of written and spoken English, as texting involves informal use of English which is not good for the growth of the language.

- The use of the short terminologies is not going to help aspirants in their written interviews.

- More than the decline in grammar it has a huge impact on the lives of the teenagers as they have become more distracted than ever.


- Texting is just a very short and quick way to communicate and it has no effects on the vocabulary.

- Texting has resulted in the growth and emergence of a new, short and convenient language that is used by the teenagers of today.

- It also depends on the person who is texting. It’s up to that person to get influenced by texting.

Source: Contents are provided by Technicalsymposium Google Group Members. Disclaimer: All the above contents are provided by Google Group members. Further, this content is not intended to be used for commercial purpose. is not liable/responsible for any copyright issues.

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