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Student Technical Symposium


Any college students can send this template file to our development team.

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Fill this template file and sent this template file only through respective college Principal/Director/Dean/HOD.

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Fill this template file and sent this template file only through respective college Principal/Director/Dean/HOD.

C-DAC, is organizing a Third National conference on “Parallel Computing Technologies (PARCOMPTECH-2017) during 23-24 FEB – 2017, in Bangalore.

C-DAC, is organizing a Third National conference on “Parallel Computing Technologies (PARCOMPTECH-2017) during 23-24 FEB – 2017, in Bangalore.

Conference Website-Click here to get complete details-About the Conference

technical symposium

Note: When submitting your papers to Event Convenors type email subject name as technicalsymposium.com /Your Paper title.

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List of Conference/Workshops in 2016 Details-Given below

job details January 2016-Conferences & Symposium List

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